The G6GFINDR System

Powered by Semantic Annotation

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the G6GFINDR System?

The G6GFINDR System beta is a query-based system that helps you find bioinformatics and artificial intelligence (AI) software. At a future date, the system will be expanded to include more specific recommendations and also to other subject areas.
Note: Neuroscience and Semantic-Web software info will be added to G6GFINDR in the near future.

When was G6GFINDR created and what does it consist of?

G6GFINDR has been a work-in-process system over the last few years. The current beta version is based on the rich content of the G6GFINDR Directory of Omics and Intelligent Software. This rich content database will be added to extensively in the near future.

How is G6GFINDR different from other query (search) systems?

G6GFINDR is powered by "semantic annotation" vs. keyword search. Semantic annotations take advantage of semantic web graph technology.

What is "semantic annotation"?

Semantic annotation is the process of creating meta-data (annotations) from unstructured data based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and accessing advanced knowledge bases.

How else is G6GFINDR different from other query (search) systems?

The G6GFINDR system is a two-step process*. First, you enter a query (usually a longer, sentence-type query); then you choose annotations specific to your interest and submit for results.

The system relies on the knowledge of each individual user to the extent that G6GFINDR requires that you Not only input a "conceptual query" (Not Keyword based) of what software you are trying to find, but also pick/choose what generated annotations closely match what you are looking for.

Unlike keyword or key phrases, results in semantic annotation systems can be based on associations of such terms. Thus, keywords or phrases in the query are not "highlighted" as on some search results.

Summary results are listed with the higher number of chosen annotations at the top of the list and the lower number of annotations toward the bottom.

*The following is a detailed example of this two-step process using G6GFINDR:

Can you give me an example of the type of query (search) that can be processed by G6GFINDR?

"protein structure info to enhance the discovery and optimization of small molecule protein modulators on a genomic scale" (without the quotes).

When I enter the above query, what results does G6GFINDR give me?

G6GFINDR displays a list of selectable "Semantic Annotation(s)" such as:

Your Query has generated the following Annotations. Please select (click-on to highlight) one or more of these Annotations and then press "Results" to complete your query - thank you!

Annotation examples: Protein Info, Protein Total, Protein Measurement, Mammalian Cell

[X] Protein Structure
[X] Small Molecule
[X] Protein Info
[w] Optimization
[w] Scale, LOINC Axis 5
[X] Total Protein Measurement
[w] Information
[w] Base Number
[X] Scale Device Component

After selecting (checking off) one or more of the above listed Annotations, what does G6GFINDR give me?

G6GFINDR displays a Results selection menu as follows:


Choose one (1) of the reporting options below.

1. G6GFINDR Software Product Links (detail)

2. G6GFINDR Software Product Links (summary)

3. Next Query

When I click-on (select) Option 1 of the displayed Results menu, what does G6GFINDR show me?

G6GFINDR displays a list of clickable Links and associated Annotations that looks like the following:

Detailed Results

Links (URIs) Annotations Total Protein Measurement Scale Device Protein Structure Protein Info Small Molecule Scale Device Component Total Protein Measurement Protein Info Total Protein Measurement

When I click-on (select) Option 2 of the displayed Results menu, what does G6GFINDR show me?

G6GFINDR displays a Summary list of clickable Links and the count of the number of matched Annotations for that particular Link (in descending order), which looks like the following:

Summary Results

Links (URIs) # Annotations 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

When I click-on (select) Option 3 (Next Query) of the displayed Results menu, what does G6GFINDR do for me?

G6GFINDR will clear all results and take you back to the Search/Query page for additional queries.

Do I have to pay for the G6GFINDR system?

The current beta version of G6GFINDR system is free. When the system is more complete we will be moving to a very affordable subscription-based system with a free component.

We welcome your input! For questions or feedback, please write to us via our Contact Form. Thank you for using G6GFINDR.